Social media site “Liker” goes offline, claims “We were attacked by Trumpers…”

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WARNING: sensitive content mentioned.

UPDATE – 17 March, 2021: OBB has reached out to Liker to request evidence of why they concluded that the hack on their platform was committed specifically by Trump supporters, a social media site based in North Hollywood, California, claims it was hacked by politically-motivated “Trumpers,” resulting in the platform going completely offline.

This hack comes in the wake of right-wing social media company Parler being booted off the App Store and AWS, resulting in it being down completely and only recently starting to gain back some limited functionality for users. For example, I was able to now log in and post while in the web app, but the iOS app still is empty for me.

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3… — Jonathan McCormick, Jr. McCormick Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The hack also comes in the wake of Gab, another social media site apparently dominated by right and alt-right individuals, being hacked. As news of the hack came out, Outsmart Big Brother™ (OBB) noticed uncharacteristic material being posted by Gab CEO Andrew Torba‘s account, including a porn video with a caption indicating that it was depicting incest. After seeing that, OBB promptly blocked Torba, not realizing at the time that the porn video was probably posted by a politically-motivated hacker who had already gained access to Torba’s account. OBB has reached out to Torba for clarification on this.

RELATED: What to do if you were a Gab user during the hack

Back to the Liker hack.

Here is the email that was sent by to OBB on March 14:

Why Liker is down: We were attacked by Trumpers…

This is very difficult email to write. As many of you all know, Liker is a grassroots social network that set out with a difficult, herculean mission of creating a kinder, smarter social network where hatred is unacceptable and thoughtfulness, love, and humanity flourish. After over a year of testing and tweaking in preparation for our full public launch, we were well on our way toward achieving that, and were only days away from launching our brand new, world class version of Liker to the public when disaster struck.

Computer savvy Trump supporters, angered by Parler being de-platformed, decided to retaliate against Liker. Unfortunately, they were successful in extracting their revenge, breaching our system and gaining access to the accounts of many of our users. As soon as we were alerted to their attack, we made the difficult decision of taking Liker offline in order to protect our community.

But it’s not all bad news. We have been overwhelmed by all the emails from our users who are sad that their go-to social network, their Liker family, has been temporarily taken from them. While we share your pain, we are glad to know that the Liker family is stronger than ever, and that we have succeeded in creating an amazing community of over a quarter million thoughtful and kind individuals who call Liker home. 

Thankfully, we have hired a top-notch security firm, and expect Liker to be back on line within the next 4 to 8 weeks. The great news is that the next time you all see Liker, it will have our updated design that will blow your socks off, strike fear in the heart of Parler, Facebook, Twitter, and other networks, and never again be vulnerable to digital attacks from Trump’s alt-right henchmen. 

Please stay tuned! We will send you all an email when Liker is back up , and we promise that it will be worth the wait. 

Until then, please accept our heartfelt apology for not being able to share our home while we make these upgrades. Soon, we will all once again be together and toasting to a smarter, kinder social media. 

Thank you all, 

Liker staff

OBB Statement

Jonathan McCormick wrote the following statement on behalf of Outsmart Big Brother™ in response to this incident:

Free expression and property rights are essential to any decent and civilized society.

Outsmart Big Brother™ condemns all efforts to silence people through deliberately interfering with the free flow of information, including the unauthorized hacking of social media platforms and individual accounts. Regardless of a person’s political views, they should be free to peacefully express their beliefs.

If authoritarianism really is as terrible as we believe it to be, then we should be able to debate it and win easily. Censorship not only violates the right to free speech, but it also can be counterproductive to the goals, however just they might seem, of those who engage in censorship. When a minority group is censored, their ideology does not simply disappear; it goes underground, where there is even less opportunity for opposing viewpoints to debate it. Censorship also provides fuel for the passions of those who are upset at the censorship, which can lead to groups resorting to violence as an outlet for their anger, which OBB also condemns.

Because of alleged politically-motivated interference by hacktivists and corporations, OBB has been unable to post content to the online communities on platforms like Liker and Parler. OBB looks forward to joining the conversation on these platforms once they are functional again.

Official statement by Outsmart Big Brother™ 16 March, 2021, at 11:19 GMT-6.

Outsmart Big Brother has reached out to Liker and Parler for comment.



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